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Kalevala Amulett Pohjankarhu (Amulet Bear)

  • Storlek: 11mm
  • Material: Brons

Skapa ditt eget unika amulettsmycke – kombinationsmöjligheterna är oändliga!

Välj de små amuletterna som talar till dig och fäst dem på dina örhängen, armband eller trä dem i ett halsband. Alla amuletter finns i brons och silver.

”An Amulet, a lucky piece. In ancient times jewelry was more than just beautiful items. Many of the figures and ornaments in our ancestors’ jewelry were powerful symbols, that were believed to bring luck, health, and prosperity, to stave off evil spirits and thoughts. Kalevala Originals jewelry brings the stories and myths of the past alive today. The Amulet jewelry are new interpretations of the symbols found on ancient jewelry.” – Kalevala


Tillgänglighet: 1 i lager

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